Wallowing Ways return.
It has now been 10 days since my horrible news and just over a week since I took the very hard decision to defer my double Windermere swim. I am slowly getting used to the fact that I will not be undertaking this swim this year. I must admit, after the original heart wrenching thoughts and final decision - which kept me awake for a few nights, I am getting back into the lakes and also taking on a few small swims.
10 days after my last 9km swim I ventured back to the lakes again, only to realise that I had lost my goggles and my cap. Not a problem. Being the ultra efficient, forward planning, individual that I am. WHOA boy, did I just say that about myself?? Ignore it all!! Must have got too much sun in the recent heatwave that mud island is experiencing. Quite surprised we are not under hose pipe bans and water rationing - we have had more than 3 days without rain.
Anyway, I digress. fortunately for me- nothing to do with any form of planning, or forethought, I have a spare pair of goggles in the glove compartment of my car. Well I dug them out only to discover that they were broken. Is life conspiring against me NOT to swim? Undeterred, I decided, as it was a lake and not a chlorine infested pool, I would go swim without goggles. Luckily, the Lake where I swim operates a lost property box and then mentioned to me that they had my good old faithful goggles, not that you can miss them being Bright orange. So Saturday, armed with my old faithfuls and kitted all in Orange, I jumped into the tepid (21 Degree Celsius water) I was in heaven. My friend Paul joined me and we did 4 laps and 5 laps for him. It was great to be back in the water again but after 3km I was not really feeling it so I decided to call it a day. not before we annoyed a fair amount of triathletes and tried drowning another Friend of mine. As I was due to do a 10km the following day I thought 3km was not a bad effort and, it was probably a good thing to get out whilst I was still enjoying myself. Without any big goals to aim for I was enjoying my swimming much more and it was great. My times were not bad, the weather was good and the company I was with pushed me a fair amount.
Spent the rest of the day relaxing and then met up with friends on Saturday evening. Sunday morning I was up with the birds to get ready for my 10Km at Lakeside. Oddly, as I was not really bothered anymore about my swims and how fast I could do them - or even IF I COULD DO THEM AT ALL.My attitude had changed. This was now for fun. A good night had, I was rested and ready. I arrived at Lakeside and met up with my Old Channel swimming buddy Greg Wood and his brother as they were up from the coast to do the swim. the grudge match forgotten.
I had a sole groupie pop down to watch me, as it was in the industrial wasteland (east side) of town, I didn't really expect anyone to come and watch me. Thanks Auds for popping down, it was great to see you there. I tried to convince Greg and his brother to lose the rubber and we could race but they declined so, being one of three Non wet suited swimmers, I decided this was for fun and nothing else.We had a briefing and were instructed on what to do, 12.8 laps of a 780m loop. The lake looked stunning and Iwas quite impressed with both,the surroundings and the lake. The one thing that was a bit worrying was, - I have to count 12.8 laps??? I struggle to count 3 laps usually, how the heck and I going to manage to count 12.8?? We all headed to the start and whilst people gingerly lowered their rubberised bodies into the 23 Degree water I decided it more pertinent to take a leap of faith.
LITERALLY!! I dived in and headed to the start which was about 50m away from where we entered the water. at about 8.05am we were off. Surprisingly it was a small group of 10Km swimmers - 18 in total. there was also a 750m, 3.8km and 5km swim happening on the day.I eased into my pace with the faster guys disappearing into the distance. I was with a group of about 4 swimmers that I was tussling with. After the 2nd lap I was leading them and The one guy kept on my feet, drafting me for the next 5 laps. I only managed to lose him and the other 2 swimmers when they decided it was a good idea to take a pit stop and refuel. I was on the no fuel strategy. I kept plodding on and left them behind for a while. It was a big mental challenge trying to keep counting I used to pass the timing mat then for the next 12-14 minutes I would be mentally telling myself what lap I was on about every 3 seconds and even then I would become confused. Fortunately, above the mat they had a big digital clock so I was able to go on my timings as well, I knew how long it takes me to do 780m. There were many times when I was questioning myself. I would tell my self "Lap 6, Lap 6, Lap 6......." and my brain would chime in "Are you sure?? it could be lap 5. Maybe it could be lap 7. Ca you be certain it is lap 6?" Oh the joys
On about the 10th lap, the super swimmers started to come past me. One of them being this idiot who thought it might be a good idea to try and pull my trunks off, I felt this hand sliding up my leg and was about to kick the living daylights out of him until I saw it was Greg who was lapping me, a big grin on his face. Cheeky bugger. My lack of wetsuit also gave the compere something different to talk about, when commentating on a bunch of rubberised humans, it can become a bit boring but I do think he needs his eyes tested. apparently my swimming trunks are Peach coloured.
On lap 10 - Maybe lap 11, could be lap 9!! - the demons emerged with a vengeance and all they wanted me to do was to pack in this swimming malarkey and for the next 30 odd minutes I had this epic battle going on in my head. GIVE UP or FINISH. My laps were now slowing to 13 minutes probably due to the fact that when I was coming up to a buoy, I would switch into breaststroke for about 50m while I rounded it then switched back into front crawl. I had to be a bit careful doing this. As I was a non wetsuit swimmer, every time I did this there would be some kayaker racing towards me to haul me out of the lake. It was the ruling that non wetsuit swimmers who get into difficulties would be pulled out the water and not allowed to get back in. I would let them race up to me and at the last minute I would switch back into crawl and carry on. At least I was giving them some exercise.
I finished eventually in 2 hrs 43 minutes. about 13 minutes off the pace I know I can do for a swim of this distance but I had finished and, for me, that was all that mattered. I came 7th overall and was first non wetsuit to finish. I had a fair few people ask why I do not swim in a wetsuit as I would be very quick if I did. Main reason on a day like this is, if I had donned one, I would come out par boiled. But seriously, I love swimming without one and do not think I will be embracing the feel of rubber against my skin anytime soon.
All in all a great day, not nearly as fast as previous 10 kms that I have done earlier this season but I am in a different place now mentally, a place I have never been, a place that scares me a little. The most important thing, it is a place where I am learning about who I am and that is a good place to be in anyones eyes. As long as I keep growing as a person then life will be good - I hope.
Tonight I will be back in the lakes for a bit of a wallow and also just to keep my muscles moving. I also need to book some more swims as I have none planned now so will be looking at what other 5 - 10Km swims remain of the season to book onto.
As usual I will end with a quote
A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable,
but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.