Training sets

Detailed Training sets

These are just a selection of my training schedules. I try to train 3 -4 times per week
27.02.2013 - total 5km

250m    Alternate Breatstroke crawl
250m    Alternate backstroke Crawl
500m    Crawl no rest time  7 min 10 seconds
            20 second rest
5 x 100m Kick made up of
            50m breststoke kick average speed  50m Fast crawl kick (about 56 seconds)
             use the 50m Breast kick as a rest so no time rest between each 100m
             20 second rest

5 x 100m Pull made up of
            50m breststoke pull average speed  50m Fast crawl arms (about 38 seconds)
             use the 50m Breast pull as a rest so no time rest between each 100m
             20 second rest

500m    Crawl no rest time  7 min 10 seconds - or quicker. 
            20 second rest

100m choice stroke - average speed
200m length 1, 3, 5 Sprint, the rest average  (training for speed changes)
                15 seconds rest
100m choice stoke - average speed
200m lengths 2,4,6, 8 Sprint
               30 seconds rest

5 x 200m breathing patterns as follows 3,5,7,head up   (waterpolo stroke) - 4 lengths
                Repeat above for next 4 lengths
                15 second rest between each

500m    Crawl no rest time  7 min 10 second - or quicker.
             20 second rest

100m Individual medley

200m warm down made up of the following
       Aternate 1 length Underwater straight into 1 length medium Crawl

250m    Alternate Breatstroke crawl
250m    Alternate backstroke Crawl
250m    Alternate Breaststroke Crawl arm only
250m   Alternate full backstroke Crawl arms

Main set - Pyramid
 There is no rest in this 1.7km set. After each part of the pyramid I do 50 m Slow Breast stroke

50m    @           39 seconds           50m slow breast
100m  @ 1 min 22 seconds           50m slow breast
150m  @ 2 min 05 seconds           50m slow breast
200m  @ 2 min 50 seconds           50m slow breast
250m  @ 3 min 36 seconds           50m slow breast
200m  @ 2 min 49 seconds           50m slow breast
150m  @ 2 min 06 seconds           50m slow breast
100m  @ 1 min 19 seconds           50m slow breast
50m    @            36 seconds          50m slow breast 


3 X 100M Kick  (4 lengths)  15 second rest between each
    1 x Crawl kick - normal - left side - right side - normal
    1 x Crawl kick
    1 x Crawl kick - normal - left side - right side - normal
  30 sec rest

3 x 100  drill - crawl - drill - crawl  15 sec rest between each
    drill 1 = finger drag
    drill 2 = catchup
  30 sec rest

3 x 100 arms alternate choice crawl - 15 sec rest betwen each
     1 - breast crawl alternate
     2 - back crawl alternate
     3 - breast crawl alternate
  30 sec rest

3 x 100 drill - crawl - drill - crawl _15 second restbetween each
     1st   100m drill = skull
     2nd 100m drill = fists
     3rd  100m drill =arm paddle

200 m warm down

11.01.2013   4km
250m    Alternate Breatstroke crawl
250m    Alternate backstroke Crawl
250m   Alternate Crawl arms Back kick
250m   Alternate Crawl arms breaststroke arms

10 x 100m follwed by 5 x 200m  ---No rest - 50m slow breast between each
10 x 100m times
         1=  1min 21 seconds
         2 = 1min 23 seconds
         3 = 1min 23 seconds    
         4 = 1min 23 seconds 
         5 = 1min 23 seconds 
         6 = 1min 22 seconds  
         7 = 1min 22 seconds    
         8 = 1min 21 seconds
         9 = 1min 21 seconds  
       10 = 1min 19 seconds  
5 x 200m times
        1 = 2min 55 seconds
        2 = 2min 53 seconds  
        3 = 2min 55 seconds
        4 = 2min 52 seconds  
        5 = 2min 53 seconds  

  250m cool down

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