
2 Way Windermere - Journey to 21 miles

Well 2013 is upon us. A new year deserves a New challenge! As this hippo has been out of the water for far too long, it is time that I ventured back in with a little challenge for the year to see if I still have it.

It has now been 4 and a bit years since I took on The English Channel.(English Channel Blog ) .In the interim I have turned my efforts into cyling up britain, Lands end to John O'Groats, kayaking across Scotland, Fort William to Inverness whilst competeing in our Extreme 5 challenge Although I love organising events. I always feel left out whilst the event is happening so this year My barometer of fitness - my back - is telling me that I need to do a few more challenges. 

Having looked at the international Marathon swimming calender looking for an event that may tax me a bit,whilst not taxing my wallet, I entered a ballot to swim Lake Zurich but did not get in. I then had to go back to the drawing board and came across a double Windermere crossing. For those who do not know where this is - I know a few - it is the largest lake in England and is in the very picturesque area of Cumbria, also known as the lake districts.

I have yet to enter as the enties are not open yet but as soon as it opens I will be putting my name down. Looking at the history of this there will be about 16 -20 of us starting at the same time. The dates are the 10th August 2013. Each swimmer will have their own canoe racing along next to them for health and safety reasons. I think Both Swims require the completion of a 6 hour swim in coldish water without a wetsuit as a pre requisite

This swim shares a few similarities with the English Channel but also some big differences so here they are
English Channel or Windermere -either way you are going to get wet
English Channel = salt water (fat floats well) Windermere = Fresh water (fat does not float so well)
English Channel = 21 Miles  Windermere = 10.5 miles times 2 = 21 miles
English Channel = Tidal (Neaps and Springs). Windermere = Not tidal
English Channel = Night and Day Swimming. Windermere = Predominantly Night swim
English Channel =  +/- 600 Commercial ships and tankers Daily. Windermere = Leisure crafts only
Water Temps Between 12 - 16 Degrees Celcius

So, on the 7th of January I trundled off to the pool to put myself through my paces to ascertain what level I am at, I only did 4.5km but the essence of this visit was to gauge my level of competancy in the pool. the rsults are looking good. Following a a break down of where I am right now

500m =7 min 28 seconds
5 x 200m Fastest = 2 min 50. Slowest = 2 min 59   30 second rest
5 x 100m Fastest = 1 min 21. Slowest = 1 min 29   15 second rest
The other 2.5km was done with a masters class so did not really take much note of times and the like

I aim to swim about 12 -15km a week whilst I get up to speed, which should be by the end of February then I will be venturing up to longer distances so that by the time May comes along I am up to full swimming potential and just need to push the distances in the open water and work on my endurance

I have thought about trying to really work on my speed this year and maybe get a really good time, Still need to ascertain what that is but I suspect about 8 - 9 hours will be a good time. I will just have to see how my shoulders are doing as the training becomes more intense.

My Aim with this blog is to try to portray the differences in training, emotions, nutrition and final swims between the English Channel - Some see it as the pinnacle of Open water Swimming, and the lesser known but fairly similar 2 Way Windermere.

I look forward to sharing my Ups and Downs, good bits and bad bits, wet bits and dry bits with my friends, Family and marathon swimming/endurance event fraternity

My final note for this post is
        The Journey to 21 miles Starts with a simple task - 1 length in a pool.

Happy reading

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